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New Beginnings Garden

Salmonberry - Rubus Spectabilis

Regular price $4.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 USD
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Broadleaf deciduous shrub, erect, 3-10 ft. tall, may form large, dense thickets, and few prickles, although young stems may be very prickly.

Hardy to USDA Zone 5.  Sun or shade.  A wet-site shrub, often found along streams and wet logged areas.

Flowers red or rose colored, usually borne singly but may be in clusters of 2-4, may appear before or with unfolding and expanding leaves.  Fruit an aggregate of druplets, 1.5- 2 cm long, salmon colored to red or reddish purple.  Some say the fruit taste is insipid whereas other find it excellent, the opinions may well be caused by genetic differences in the plants sampled (but also in the samplers?), most agree the berries are somewhat mushy.